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 Google Play Store Privacy Policy

1. Purpose of personal information processing
The apps created by this developer do not collect and process any personal information

2. Processing and keeping period of personal information
The apps created by this developer do not collect and process any personal information

3. Personal information processing entrustment
The app created by this developer does not entrust personal information to other companies.

4. The right of the information subject, and duty and method of exercising the same
As a personal information subject, users can exercise their rights to personal information protection at any time.
However, this app does not collect and hold information about the app user's use; it is only used for app functionality.

5. Destruction of personal information
The apps created by this developer do not collect and retain user usage information; therefore, they do not own personal information that should be destroyed

6. Preparation of the person in charge of personal information protection.
The app is responsible for overall personal informationprocessing,and the person in charge of personal information protection is designated as follows to handle complaints and remedy damages of information subjects related to personalinformation processing.

* Person in charge of personal information protection
Radio Hankook